Monday, November 21, 2016

Super Moon Blues

You may have noticed that we recently experienced a natural event called a super moon. It occurs when the moon in unusually near the earth, creating a visual moon that is larger than its normal size. It was a once in a lifetime event. We looked for it, and unfortunately, the first night of its appearance we were under clouds. The next day we were on the move, heading to Skull Creek Marina. Quite a pirate name, if there was one. It is indeed, located on Skull Creek, just behind Hilton Head Island. It turned out that we needed a slip for a couple of days for a quick check up on our engine, so we were headed into the marina.

The marina emphasized that we should enter the marina at slack tide, so that we would not have any problems with the strong tidal currents through this area. We did, and it happened to be slack low tide. Now, when we ask for a slip, we always emphasize that we draw 6 feet, so that they don't place us in a slip that is too shallow. We did the same here, and didn't give another thought to depth. Well, wouldn't you know that the super moon brings super tides, too? To say we planted our boat would be an understatement. When it was all said and done, we had 4.5 feet of water under us, and Tatiana started showing off some of her side where the sun don't shine, providing a new interpretation of a super moon.

Thankfully, the tide returned, and two hours later we were in our slip and ready to take on some maintenance. Oh yeah, and when we left at slack high tide we had over 13 feet in the same spot!

Happy Thanksgiving!